Fun Girls Trip Ideas to Enjoy This Summer

There are just so many wonderful girls away to a holiday destination, it can sometimes be difficult to decide on a group of travel ideas that will suit your best friend or sisters. No two trips are ever the same, so no matter how far you travel to soak up in the sunshine, good food, fun activities, or all of the above – we compiled some of our favourite girl getaway ideas to take this coming year. These destinations will certainly inspire you to do more and go further this time next year! Happy Holidays!

Anyone who has ever driven through New York City will have their favourite places to hang out. For the hip and happening types, there’s always the Big Apple, and for those who prefer a quieter and more intimate escape, try a trip to Manhattan’s East Village. You’ll find quiet restaurants, boutique shopping, and even a few unique historical sites to explore. Perfect for a relaxing vacation, this part of town is packed with things to do from book readings to coffee tasting. If you’re staying in the area, look into special tours that can take you down to the area’s history and some of its most interesting spots.

Another great place to find exciting trip ideas for girls is the Lincoln Park Zoo. With over two hundred species of birds, there’s sure to be something to keep you entertained and interested in the long drive home. Check out the free bus tours offered, and enjoy a park that offers loads of outdoor activities and plenty of dining, as well as tons of photo opportunities. No matter what time of year you plan to visit, there’s bound to be a few fun things to do while in Lincoln Park.

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