Is September And October Really Belize’s “Worst Time To Visit”?

It seems like every year travelers flock to the Central American nation between January and April when it is relatively warm and sunny. The problem with that, however, is that after the rainy season ends in May, tourist numbers drop off dramatically. According to a recent survey conducted by Belmopan International Airport, tourism has declined by 25% since 2016.

The good news for visitors who want to escape the rain is that Belize’s wet season starts later than usual this year. Instead of starting in June, it begins at the end of November. In fact, Belize will be dry until February 2019, which means that you won’t have to worry about dealing with the effects of heavy rainfall.

What Is Belize and Where It Is Located?

Belize is a small country in Central America. Its capital city is Belmopan. The country’s official name is the Republic of Belize.

It was founded in 1981, when the British colony of the Cayo District became independent. Since that time, the government has been led by the People’s United Party (PUP).

In 2008, the PUP won a majority in the elections.

Belize is located in the southern part of the Caribbean Sea and borders Guatemala to the north, Mexico to the west, and the Atlantic Ocean to the east.

The area of land that makes up the country of Belize is roughly the size of Connecticut.

Belize lies in Central American countries.

Belize has a tropical climate with hot, humid summers and mild winters.

The main language spoken in Belize is English.

There are many beautiful beaches, mountains, lakes, rivers, forests, and other natural attractions in the country.

Many people travel to Belize for its wonderful scuba diving. There are several excellent dive sites that attract visitors from around the world.

Belize has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in Central America.

Why Belize Is a Good Place to Visit?

Belize is one of the most beautiful countries in Central America. If you want to learn more about this country, you should read the article below. This guide will explain all of the reasons that Belize is such an amazing destination for travelers.

First, you need to know that Belize has a lot to offer when it comes to natural beauty. The entire nation consists of lush rainforests and stunning beaches. You can enjoy the scenery while you travel by boat. There are also many national parks where you can go hiking.

Second, you can find plenty of wildlife in Belize. For example, there are over 400 species of birds in the area. Many animals live in the forests, including jaguars, monkeys, and tapirs.

Third, you can get a taste of traditional culture when you travel to Belize. In fact, the Maya people have lived here for thousands of years. You’ll be able to find ancient ruins in some parts of the country.

Fourth, you’re likely to encounter friendly locals in Belize. Most people in this part of the world are welcoming to visitors.

Why September and Octobers Is Worst Time to Visit Belize?

Belize Visit: September & October Is The Worst Time To Visit Belize

When you want to go to Belize, you should be aware that the best months to travel there are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, and November.

In general, the weather in Belize is pleasant throughout the year. However, the temperature drops considerably in the wintertime. This means that you will have to bundle up when you are outside.

You may also need to bring along warm clothing and boots. If you plan on visiting the beach, then you might want to pack a swimsuit.

If you’re planning on staying at a resort, you’ll probably want to book your stay in the summer. Otherwise, you could end up paying more than you expected.

There are many great places to visit when you go to Belize.

When Is the Best Time to Visit Belize

Belize is an amazing country in Central America that you should definitely consider visiting. If you’re thinking about traveling to Belize, you might be wondering where the best time of year would be. Luckily, you don’t have to worry about any specific seasons, as the climate changes throughout the year.

In general, the weather in the northern part of the country tends to get cooler in the winter. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to avoid the area. In fact, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the rainforests all year round.

If you want to travel to Belize during the summertime, then you’ll likely find yourself enjoying the warm temperatures and the abundance of sunshine. You may also find that there are more tourists in the country at that time.

You could even plan a trip to the southern region of the country when it’s hot. This means that you won’t have to deal with the cold weather, but you will still be able to experience some amazing sights.

There are many other things to do in Belize besides just relaxing by the pool. For example, you can go on a jungle tour or take an exciting zip line adventure.

What to Do in Belize

Belize is a country located in Central America that was once part of the Spanish Empire. The capital city of the country is named San Pedro. There are many things to see in this small island nation, including beautiful beaches, great diving sites, and plenty of wildlife. If you want to know more, keep reading below!

There are so many things to do in Belize. You can go on a tour around the country, and you’ll be able to enjoy all of its natural beauty.

You can also visit the national park, where there are lots of different animals living together. Some of them include jaguars, monkeys, and crocodiles.

If you’re interested in learning how to scuba dive, then you should consider visiting the Blue Hole. This is one of the most popular places for divers to explore.

Finally, you can take a trip down the Mayflower River, which will give you the chance to swim with sea turtles.

What else is there to do in Belize? Well, if you like to watch movies, then you might want to check out the Belizean Film Festival.

How to Stay Safe in Belize

Belize is one of the safest countries in Central America. This means that you don’t have to worry so much about getting robbed while traveling here. However, you still need to be careful when visiting this country. Here are some tips on how to make sure that your trip goes smoothly.


When you’re planning a vacation, you want to know that you’ll feel comfortable. That’s why you should consider staying at an all-inclusive resort. When you book such a place, you get to enjoy the benefits of being able to leave the safety of the hotel. You also won’t have to spend any money on transportation.

If you decide to travel by car, you might want to avoid driving in the dark. The roads are usually empty, but it can take hours for you to reach your destination. If you drive alone, you could end up spending more time than expected.

You should always keep your belongings with you. Even when you’re in an area where there aren’t many people around, you never know who you’ll meet.

Insects and Animals

There are lots of insects in Belize that carry diseases. Some of these include mosquitoes, sand flies, ticks, fleas, and bedbugs.

The Best Travel Advice for Belize

Belize is a beautiful country that offers many different experiences. There are plenty of things to do here, whether you’re looking for adventure, relaxation, or just a quiet getaway. If you want to make sure that your trip goes as smoothly as possible, then keep reading below.

When you go on vacation, you should always be prepared. This means packing everything that you might need. You never know when you’ll have an emergency, so you shouldn’t leave anything to chance.

One of the most important things that you can pack for your trip is a good pair of shoes. While you may think that you won’t wear them while you’re on vacation, this isn’t true. Your feet will end up getting wet and dirty, which could cause serious problems if you don’t bring along some footwear.

Another thing that you should consider bringing with you is sunscreen. Even though you’ll likely spend a lot of time outside, you still need to protect yourself from the sun. When it comes to using sunscreen, you really only need to apply it once every two hours.

If you’re planning a trip to Belize, then you should also make sure to bring a mosquito repellent.

Tips for Visiting Belize in September and October

If you’re planning to go on holiday to Belize in the near future, you might be wondering how you should plan your trip. Luckily, the article below is here to help. This guide contains tips that will make sure that you have a great time when you travel to Belize.

When you arrive at the airport, you’ll need to get to the right terminal. You can check this by looking on the website.

You’ll also want to look into the different activities you can do while you’re in Belize. For example, you could take part in a zip line adventure. If you like, you can also try a horseback ride.

Make sure that you don’t forget to bring along your passport and other important documents.

Another thing that you may want to consider is the best way to get around. There are buses, taxis, water taxis, and even boats. But you need to find the one that’s most convenient for you.

Finally, you should ensure that you book any accommodation well in advance. Otherwise, you won’t have much choice when it comes to finding somewhere to stay.

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