Why Solo Travel Is Important in the Early Years of Your Life

Solo travel can be tremendously invigorating and liberating. Whatever the motive, there are numerous excellent reasons why folks travel alone in their early twenties and early thirties. For starters, it allows for more flexibility. No need to settle down with your loved ones after all, no need to agonize over dinner reservations or whether to bring a stuffed parrot to an outdoor restaurant because you forgot your keys!

Another great reason to travel alone in your early twenties is that it lessens commitments. Not having to live with folks or have family obligations can really help you carve out some real, mature, adult time. Early twenties also mark the beginning of many meaningful career decisions. After you go solo, you can pursue whatever it is that moves you. You can choose to pursue travel and open yourself up to the world in ways that you might never have been able to do while sharing a dorm room and a roommate.

And last but not least, early twenties travel solo also marks the beginning of many memorable experiences. You can travel alone to a foreign land where you’ll encounter cultures and fauna that you may never have even come in contact with during your entire high school career. Or you can travel alone to another country to study for your college exam, and take in the sights and sounds as you strive to ace that exam. Solo travel is also a great way to build up your mental resilience. While living with folks and sharing common places can occasionally stifle your creativity, when traveling alone you are forced to seek out new ways of looking at the world.

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